Effective Merger Strategy Support for a Healthcare Acquisition


National Healthcare Organization

Acquisition Target

Small Local Healthcare Company


The small local healthcare company had a workforce primarily composed of clinicians, with a significant number being nurses. Given the prevalent nursing shortage, retaining nursing talent was critical. In prior acquisitions, the national healthcare client experienced turnover rates in the first 12 months of more than 80% for newly acquired clinicians, often coinciding with the end of retention payments. This high turnover threatened patient care continuity and incurred substantial recruitment and training costs. 


  • Create a high-touch onboarding program to integrate new employees smoothly. 

  • Better align compensation rates with employee expectations to retain talent longer.

  • Redesign retention bonus structure to reduce turnover and maintain staffing levels. 

Actions Taken

High-Touch Onboarding Program

  • Developed an onboarding and communication program focusing on cultural integration and employee engagement. 

  • Conducted orientation sessions and workshops to familiarize new employees with the acquiring organization's culture, values, and operational procedures. 

  • Established a formal feedback loop to ensure clinicians felt listened to and supported throughout the integration process. 

Revised Compensation Rates and Structure

  • Conducted a market analysis to adjust compensation rates and pay structures for clinicians, ensuring they were competitive and attractive. 

  • Implemented a revised pay structure that exceeded initial projections, but was within pro forma expectations, aiming to retain talent through appropriate financial incentives. 

Extended Retention Bonuses

  • Redesigned the retention bonus program to distribute payments over an extended period rather than a single lump sum. 

  • Structured bonuses to be paid at multiple intervals (e.g., 6 months, 12 months, 18 months) to discourage mass turnover when initial retention bonuses ended. 


Improved Retention Rates

  • The enhanced onboarding program and competitive compensation resulted in a significant improvement in retention rates. 

  • Turnover among newly acquired clinicians dropped from over 80% to 30% within the first 12 months, saving an estimated $1.2 million in recruitment and training costs. 

Enhanced Employee Satisfaction and Engagement

  • Employee satisfaction surveys showed a 50% increase in positive feedback, indicating that employees felt more valued and supported. 

  • Higher engagement levels translated into better patient care and operational efficiency, contributing to an estimated $2 million increase in productivity and patient satisfaction scores. 

Financial Benefits of Extended Retention Bonuses 

  • By spreading retention bonuses over multiple timeframes, the company ensured consistent staffing for patient care and avoided the mass turnover that they had previously experienced after one-time payments. 

  • This strategy resulted in a further reduction in turnover costs as more staff had the ability to assimilate into the organization, build connections, and not seek other employment. 


The strategic merger support provided during the acquisition of the small local healthcare company into the national healthcare organization was instrumental in achieving a smooth transition. Through the implementation of a high-touch onboarding program, competitive compensation rates, and extended retention bonuses, we significantly improved clinician retention, enhanced employee satisfaction, and achieved substantial cost savings. These efforts not only maintained the ability to provide high-quality patient care but also demonstrated the critical financial and operational value of targeted people strategies in healthcare mergers.